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Clean desk policy

A clean desk policy encourages all employees to make sure their desks are clear at the end of the working day. This should include not only documents and paperwork, but also post-it notes, business cards and removeable media items such as USB memory sticks. This may be something worth thinking about for your own work environment - here are some of the benefits...

  • Save time - the average employee spends 2 1/2 hours every day looking for information.

  • A clean desk policy will hopefully encourage employees to use digital versions of documents thus also reducing stationery costs such as paper, ink, toner and printer maintenance

  • Make a good impression - a clean and tidy workspace makes your organisation look efficient and presentable to anyone who may be visiting.

  • Discourages prying eyes - it is all to easy to leave sensitive information on a desk. Post-it notes are often the worst example, with names, phone numbers or passwords in open view. These habits encourage employees to view information they perhaps should not have access to.

  • Reduce stress - an employee who is organised will spend more time concentrating on work rather than feeling stressed because they can't find a document or report which might be needed urgently.

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